Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I have to get this one-sheet for my office...


Joel said...

HATE the font. But that's okay. Willing to forgive them for that. Still stylish as shit.

Oh and that critic friend of mine, Dustin Putman remarked that "Drive" is the first 4-star film from 2011 for him and the best movie in years. He said, and I quote, "It's incredibly rare that a movie you think looks great exceeds every conceivable expectation you have for it. 'Drive' does, over and over again." He said it's not just a nasty piece of Hollywood thriller, it could very well be the most influential in terms of cinema craft since "Pulp Fiction."

So I'm thinkin' he liked it.

Joel said...

(I should note that he's EXTREMELY sparse with four-star films. His last one was "Somewhere" last December. So he's one of those anti-Eberts where seeing four stars from him is really exciting.)

(I should also note that he was not a fan of "The Tree of Life." But hey, that's a movie begging for at least a few detractors who don't get it, so let's not hold it against him.)

Actionman said...

The font is AWESOME. It's straight out of the early 80's Mann/Friedkin playbook. Go rent To Live and Die in LA...