Friday, October 29, 2010


Don't think I'll be seeing anything in the theater this weekend.

Just watched Winter's Bone a few nights ago from Netflix...a very good but very dark and depressing indie (in many ways similar to Frozen River) with an amazing lead performance from Jennifer Lawrence.  For delivery tomorrow from Netflix is The Girl Who Played With Fire...


Joel said...

Same. What an awful weekend for movies. Seriously.

Loved "Winter's Bone." But I will never watch it again, lol. Jennifer Lawrence was mesmeric.

Actionman said...

Yes -- Winter's Bone joins that group of films where I'd say I enjoed watching it, appreciated it very much, and would certainly recommend it, but wouldn't watch it again. It's a one-time-deal. Lawrence is gonna be huge. She's very strong in the underrated drama The Burning Plain.