Saturday, June 4, 2011


Terrence Malick's The Tree of Life is easily one of the best movies ever made, certainly one of the most ambitious, and like nothing else out there. The big-bang and creation of the universe and dinosaur sequence was the very definition of hypnotic -- so amazing I nearly wept. I cannot believe how much of a fucking genius Malick is. We’re all retards compared to this guy.  I don't know what's worse -- having never seen The Tree of Life at all, or having seen it, and not being able to convienently see it again for a period of at least two weeks. There are f'ing DINOSAURS in this movie. Malicksaurs. Emmanuel Lubezeki for President of Ridiculous Cinematography. Was the ENTIRE FILM shot on a stedicam with a wide angle lens? OVERWHELMINGLY GORGEOUS. Seriously -- I am not even sure I comprehended everything that was being hushed/whispered/voice-overed as I was sitting slack-jawed staring at the VIBRANT, ALIVE, and TOTALLY ORGANIC camerawork on display, all being done with natural light, and, seemingly, between the hours of 5-7am and 4-6pm.  I am going to be able to think about nothing else for the coming weeks.  When the film opens in my hood I'll be seeing it countless times.  This blog is going to get littered with TOL postings so here goes...


Jake said...

Such an amazing experience. You come out of the movie and it feels like you've been dreaming. I'll be seeing it again very soon. I think it's my favorite Malick and this is coming from someone who worships his other stuff.

Actionman said...

We're in complete & total agreement.