Monday, March 31, 2008


Tarsem Singh (aka Tarsem) has a new, trippy film coming out. Completed (and released in some areas) in 2006, THE FALL is Tarsem's follow up to THE CELL, which came out in 2000. I found THE CELL to be one of the most visually arresting movies I've ever seen; the contrived serial killer plot line and ludicrous sci-fi threds were fun in a kooky way but it was the visual style of the film that blew me away. Well-regarded for his music video background, Tarsem has been quiet for much of this decade on the filmmaking front. Right after THE CELL became a box office success, he quickly became attached to a Jerry Bruckheimer action flick called TAKEDOWN, which is still one of the best unproduced action scripts I have ever read. At the time, Johnny Depp was attached as the lead in the film. TAKEDOWN never materialized for one reason or another and then there was nothing heard from Tarsem for a while. I heard about THE FALL last year and after seeing the trailer, I knew it was something that demanded to be seen.

Here's a plot outline from the IMDB: In a hospital a little girl with a broken collar bone meets a bedridden man who starts telling her a fantastical story which reflects his state of mind. As time goes by fiction and reality start to intertwine in this uplifting epic fantasy.

There are only a handful of reviews available, one of the being a pretty dismissive pan from Dennis Harvey in Variety. Roger Ebert is quoted on the poster as calling the film "Magnificent" (he was a huge champion of THE CELL, calling it one of the best films of the year) but no full review is available on line.

I will add the trailer for THE FALL in a moment.

1 comment:

Breedlove said...

i loved 'the cell' and having been waiting for tarsem's follow-up forever. 'the cell' really does have such an awesome visual style, it's too bad this guy isn't making big films regularly.